Kompania Piwowarska

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Alkohol. Tylko dla pełnoletnich

    Better Future 2030

    The gifts of nature are essential to brew great tasting beer, so we are committed to run our business in harmony with nature. Not only for us, but also for generations that come after us.

    Our strategy
    Better Future 2030

    We will implement our Better Future 2030
    Strategy if we are all committed to it and each of us plays their part

    2023 Sustainability Report

    Across all areas of our business operations, we strive to have a positive impact on the social and natural environment. Find out how we do it!

    Our strategy
    Better Future 2030

    We will implement our Better Future 2030
    Strategy if we are all committed to it and each of us plays their part

    Our principles

    Kompania Piwowarska strives to maintain high ethical standards. We are consistently building our reputation through a broad approach to our social responsibility and the rules of honesty and reliability in dealing with our suppliers and customers. It is crucial for us that the ethical standards set out in our Code of Ethics are observed.

    Here are the key principles arising from our Code of Ethics:

    • honesty and openness
    • responsibility
    • fairness
    • mutual respect and preservation of dignity

    The Ethics Committee

    We are a company that maintains high ethical standards not only within the company itself, but also in the entire supply chain. We believe that ethical behaviour, acting in good faith and expressing openness and honesty are fundamental to successful business activity.

    In order to support and promote ethical behaviour more effectively, we established the Ethics Committee in August 2012. It comprises members of KP’s top management, while its work is supervised by an independent, external Chairman.

    Documents to download

    Report ethics violations

    Your complaint will come up for a debate of our Ethics Committee and you will get feedback from one of the members. Select the category you fall under:

    If you wish to receive information on how your complaint is being investigated, please provide your full name.

    In accordance with Article 24, Section 1 of the Act of August 29, 1997 on the Protection of Personal Data (uniform text: Journal of Laws of 2016, item 922), we kindly inform you that the Administrator of your personal data is Kompania Piwowarska SA [more] with its registered office in Poznan (61-285) at Szwajcarska 11, hereinafter KP. Your personal data will be processed by KP for the legally justified purpose of providing an answer to your enquiry. Your personal data will not be shared with other recipients of data without your explicit consent, unless it is required by separate law regulations. You have the right to access and update your personal information. Providing the above-mentioned data to KP is voluntary, yet necessary for us to reply to your message.