Kompania Piwowarska

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Alkohol. Tylko dla pełnoletnich

    Better Future 2030

    The gifts of nature are essential to brew great tasting beer, so we are committed to run our business in harmony with nature. Not only for us, but also for generations that come after us.

    Our strategy
    Better Future 2030

    We will implement our Better Future 2030
    Strategy if we are all committed to it and each of us plays their part

    2023 Sustainability Report

    Across all areas of our business operations, we strive to have a positive impact on the social and natural environment. Find out how we do it!

    Our strategy
    Better Future 2030

    We will implement our Better Future 2030
    Strategy if we are all committed to it and each of us plays their part

    Opening Statement

    Although challenging business-wise, it was a good year during which we made a step towards a better future for our children, people around us, the environment and, obviously, ourselves.

    Igor Tikhonov

    CEO of Kompania Piwowarska

    Our Achievements


    Raising awareness and encouraging conscious decision-making regarding moderate and responsible alcohol consumption is our top priority.

    Additional days off in special circumstances

    Learn more

    2 weeks longer

    paternity leave fully paid by KP.

    2 days off

    for parents who have experienced the loss of a child due to miscarriage.

    2 days off

    for individuals undergoing infertility treatment.

    The leave in the event of the death of a close family member extended to

    5 days


    1 day off

    in the event of the death of an extended family member.

    The provided support goes beyond the entitlements mandated by law, and the company will cover all associated costs.

    Download the full report

    Detailed information about our activities and achievements in 2023 can be found in the full version of the report.

    Read the full report

    Check out our archive reports

    2023 Sustainability Report


    2022 Sustainability Report


    2021 Sustainability Report


    2020 Sustainability Report


    2019 Sustainability Report


    2018 Sustainability Report


    2017 Sustainability Report
