Kompania Piwowarska

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    Kompania Piwowarska one of Responsible Business Leaders 2024 Kompania Piwowarska one of Responsible Business Leaders 2024

    Kompania Piwowarska one of Responsible Business Leaders 2024

    The eighteenth edition of the "ESG Ranking: Responsible Management" (formerly known as the "Ranking of Responsible Companies") concluded with an award ceremony at the Leon Koźmiński Academy. This year, the ranking saw submissions nearly 70 companies, with almost 150 businesses showing interest in it. Ultimately, 62 companies qualified for the main classification. Kompania Piwowarska is the leader in the G category and additionally placed on the podium in the industry category of "Consumer Goods".

    The "ESG Ranking: Responsible Management" has been published since 2007 and constitutes the most important list of the largest companies on the Polish market, assessed based on the quality of responsible management in accordance with ESG guidelines. This year's edition was characterized by raised standards in terms of the requirements placed on organizations. Kompania Piwowarska achieved the highest possible score in the G category, which pertains to corporate governance. In the industry category of "Consumer Goods," the company ranked third.

    – We are proud to be among the elite group of the most conscious and responsible businesses. This distinction confirms our commitment to sustainable development and social responsibility. Today, sustainable policy is not merely a set of isolated clauses or regulations but, above all, translates into real activities executed at every level of the organization. Our initiatives recognized in this ranking demonstrate that it is possible to achieve business success without compromising care for the environment and society – says Iwona Jacaszek-Pruś, Corporate Affairs Director at Kompania Piwowarska.

    Kompania Piwowarska has been consistently implementing the "Better Future 2030" strategy, which combines the company's development in four areas: Planet, Profit, Portfolio and People, with clearly defined goals in each area. All the strategic areas are of equal importance, meaning that no goal can be pursued without considering the remaining focus areas.

    With these activities, Kompania Piwowarska proves that business profits can go hand in hand with care for society and the environment. This approach, increasingly appreciated in the market, shows that companies can effectively contribute to solving key social and environmental issues while achieving financial success. Kompania Piwowarska provides an excellent example that responsibility and profitability can mutually reinforce each other.

    About the ranking

    The "ESG Ranking: Responsible Management" is the new version of the "Ranking of Responsible Companies", which has long been valued in the market as a barometer of responsible management maturity in major companies. This is the 18th edition of the ranking, organized by the Koźmiński Business Hub at the Leon Koźmiński Academy.

    The ranking is created based on the results of responsible and sustainable management presented independently by participating companies in a survey and verified according to the methodology developed by the authors – Professor Bolesław Rok from the Leon Koźmiński Academy and ESG analyst Jarosław Horodecki. Each year, the survey content is updated to reflect market conditions and stakeholder expectations. The work on the survey involved the specially appointed Scientific Council for the ESG Ranking, consisting of experts from the Leon Koźmiński Academy and its partners: Climate Leadership UNEP/GRID and the Responsible Business Forum – Maria Krawczyńska-Kaczmarek, Mariusz Gołąb, Aneta Skubida, Dr. Katarzyna Frankowiak, Piotr Biernacki, Ph.D. Eng. Agnieszka Sznyk, Ph.D. Robert Sroka, Michał Purol, Marcin Milczarski, Professor Franjo Mlinaric, and Piotr Kowalik.

    This year, the difficulty level of the survey forming the basis for the ranking was very high, with questions covering all areas related to ESG reporting. The survey included as many as 70 varied questions across eleven sections. It directly references the latest reporting guidelines under the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS), which are already mandatory for selected entities operating in the Polish market and will, within the next two years, encompass over 3,000 of the largest businesses.

    The ranking can be found here.

    Published: 05.07.2024

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