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    1 million Polish zlotys from the Żubr Fund gives endangered wild animal species a reason to “smile” 1 million Polish zlotys from the Żubr Fund gives endangered wild animal species a reason to “smile”

    1 million Polish zlotys from the Żubr Fund gives endangered wild animal species a reason to “smile”

    The protection of endangered wild animal species is the mission of the Żubr brand as well as the Żubr Fund, which was established for this very purpose. At the beginning of August this year, Żubr launched the sixth edition of its social campaign run under the "Faces Light Up at the Sight of Żubr" slogan.

    For many years now, the Żubr brand has been consistently carrying out the campaign called "Żubr Supports Endangered Species" aimed at protecting animals and educating the society about their role in preserving the future of Polish nature. Since 2019, through the Żubr Fund, the brand has supported environmental protection efforts undertaken by ecological organizations, state institutions and scientific bodies. Thanks to the collaboration with the Systems Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences, various initiatives have been implemented, such as the purchase of specialized equipment for the Białowieża National Park, the acquisition of a supercomputer for processing data from detectors placed in the forest using artificial intelligence, and a campaign promoting the positive image of bats, which included erection of special towers.

    Now, the Żubr brand is dedicating the sixth edition of its campaign to wild animals and unique natural locations. As part of the annual social campaign, the iconic bison disappears from the packaging, making way for endangered species. This year, the featured animals are the lynx, bear, wolf and pygmy owl.

    – The campaign is promoted with four 10-second video spots featuring the animals depicted on Żubr bottles and cans. Their joyful faces symbolize the sense of security provided by the Forest Guardian. The "Faces Light Up at the Sight of Żubr" slogan refers to the activities of the Żubr Fund, which has allocated PLN 1 million for nature conservation and endangered species protection efforts, including expanding the area of the Biebrza National Park – says Michał Szczerba, Żubr Brand Manager.

    The collaboration with the Dziedzictwo Przyrodnicze Foundation, which once again is the partner of the Żubr Fund, has led to the creation of 50 micro-reserves and the protection of 15 hectares of forests in Eastern Poland. This year, with the Fund's support, there are plans to expand the area of the Biebrza National Park by additional 47.42 hectares. New micro-reserves are being established in the areas adjacent to the Biebrza river, and places known as Eternal Forests will be secured. In the past, the Żubr Fund also supported the Polish Society for Nature Conservation :Salamandra" in its project to restore the population of the European ground squirrel in Poland.

    The "Faces Light Up at the Sight of Żubr" campaign will be promoted on TV, social media and through collaborations with Żubr's friends, including Janusz Chabior. This partnership with the artist was facilitated by Stars4Brands. The PR and digital campaign was prepared by Agencja Huta 19 im. Joachima Fersengelda, media planning and buying was handled by Zenith Media Agency, the spot's creative design was developed by PZL, production was carried out by Moon Films, post-production was managed by Platige, and sound design was delivered by Juice.

    Opublikowano: 05.08.2024

    Kontakt z biurem prasowym Kompanii Piwowarskiej

    Borys Gryniewicz
    Manager ds. Komunikacji

    e. biuro.prasowe@asahibeer.pl

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